My story

My name is Shir and I am the owner of Socialand- where you create your own brand story
i want you to know who is shir benny !
my love for writing started since i was a little girl learning how to write.
from articles to
blog posts , product descriptions that need to be elaborated on
convincingly as well as writing about life.
My love for design, branding, motivation, photography, videos and writing made me suitable for social media marketing.


We can help you advertise your business on social media and provide either organic or sponsored posts for you. We'll ensure that all of your social media activity is tailored to the expectations of your target audience.


We'll design for you not just for design. To better user experience, but to also create a good web presence that is designed around your goals and objectives.

Dev System

How will your content actually be valuable to your customers? Our team has created a process of deconstruction and reconstruction for this exact problem.


our story

Besides the personal part that I care about, there’s also my career as a social media manager and no less important. I Started My Journey With A Lot Of Difficulty After Studying A Lot Of Courses In The Field And Especially A Lot Of Desire Help People Realize Themselves Through Social Media. I decided to take on the ambitious goal of writing content for companies and now look where it’s gotten me, And A Desire To Help You Put Your Social Media In Order And Especially Succeed! I promise to help you advance your success by pushing you harder and further every single day. Wondering how? Hit me up, let’s chat !

Contact Me

Phone: +972 52-689-9988
MON-FRI 09:00 - 18:00